Saturday, May 28, 2011

Showtime @ Little Gym

I've been going to this place called The Little Gym for almost 75% of my life and I really like it. It's fun to run, jump, swing, roll, and play on the soft matts and cushions they have available in the play area. It's also fun to play with other kids. I don't have too many of those opportunities because I don't go to school yet. My cousins are the kids I play with the most, but most of them are older than me.

At Little Gym, we practice listening to our teachers. They teach us fun things that we can do, called skills. We practice our skills all semester long. At the end of the semester, we get to show our families everything we've learned.

That's what did today; we performed!

They even gave me a medal!

I was facing the wrong way at first...

...but then I got it figured out later and it was all ok. I just like to try doing things my own way. After all, that's what I think life is all about--gaining unique experiences.

I'm really happy with how everything turned out. I had a lot of fun and I got to be a star for a day. I think all kids need to be stars at some point in their lives. It's just the happy thing to do! I hope you guys can all be stars someday to someone. It's important.

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