Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't judge me; just love me.

Having straight hair can be such a drag...if you take the time to maintain it. Some people stress about it to no end. Me? I don't let it stress me one bit.

You see, sometimes I wake up with my hair all wild and crazy and sprawled all around just like the blankets, pillows, clothes, and toys in my bedroom. But what do you expect? That's just me. Like Gaga, I was born this way, baby!

I figure that if you're going to wake me up before noon and drag me to church, you should just accept me for who I am and be happy that I came. After all, like my Grandpa says, "I go to church to worship--not for a fashion show." That sounds good to me. I mean, Grandpa's got some radical ideas I'm not so sure about, but this one I can support 100%.

So when you see me comin' with my wild hair flailing in the wind, please try not to judge me. Just love me.

I'll do the same for you.

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